Who would of thought that having a kid was so damn expensive. Oh Wait... everyone?!? OK, i knew it was going to be expensive but Jesus really can't get my comics on a weekly basis. Man she must be important to me, especially in a week where the next issue of Batman RIP comes out.
Oh well this made me a little sad so i decided to do something comic related anyway. i put in my August order for DCBS.
Here is what I Ordered
Ambush Bug #4
Green Lantern Corps #29
Tor #6
Action Comics #870
The Authority #3
Final Crisis: Rage of the Red lanterns #1
Final Crisis: Resist #1
Final Crisis Submit #1
Final Crisis: Revelations #3
Kill Your Boyfriend
Batman Ego and other Tales TPB
Astonishing X-Men Ghost Boxes #1
Uncanny X-men #503
Guardians of the Galaxy #6
Punisher #63
Immortal Iron Fist Vol 3 Book of Iron PHC
Punisher From First to Last TPB
Indie (and yes i put image and Dark horse in here)
Star Wars Legacy #29 (vector 10)
Golly #3
Sword #12
Terry Moore's Echo #7
Welcome to Hoxford #3
Crossed #1 (and i went for the edition that comes with a poster of the Cover of #0 signed by Ennis and Burrows)
Hatter M The Looking Glass Wars Vol 1 TPB
And of course previews.
Sorry i have been a lazy blogger these last two weeks but the way i look at it it gives some of you slackers a chance to get caught up. Plus i am getting over a horrible cold and don't really feel like typing.
Talk to y'all later