Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Haul

OK People I have been very lax in getting things up here. I just have not had the time to read that much and i try not to review to many things because i do not want to spoil that much.

Anyway here is my pick up this week:

Amazing Spiderman
Detective Comics
Doktor Sleepless
The Boys

Those last two are anbelievably good comics. If you don't read indie books i would suggest you gave those two a try. if you only like capes books then pick up the boys for a whole new take on the genre. If you like science fiction then Doktor Sleepless is something that you will want to read and re read every month.

I also got my DCBS box yesterday and it was the biggest one yet.

The highlights out of this box for me is:

Thirteen Steps (one of my top five books in a while)
The Sword (this takes another top five spot)
and Comics Now Magazine (I mean come on there is a 20pg article on Crisis on infinite earths in it)

I plan on reading a lot more and peosting a lot more in the coming weeks because i will be off from work until the beginning of march. I know i will be spending a lot of time taking care of my daughter but there are naps thank god and i will try to pry my hands off of the XBox controller.

Talk to you later,



Anonymous said...

So, how goes the stay at home dad thing? You should post some pigs!


Anonymous said...

T.J. --

Long time no talk. I ran into Kevin on the train this morning and he mentioned your blog. I am quite impressed. I share your disdain for iTunes as well. Keep the iTunes rants coming! Here's some fodder to get you going -- Apple is or has released a 32gb iPod Touch.

Hope all is well. Great piece on Brother Mike. One of my favorite Brother Mike moments was in Madrid on a CBA Spring Break trip. In all the meetings leading up to the trip, he mentioned the gypsys, and how they would try to pick your pocket. We were on some street in Spain, walking to another sightseeing location, where all of the sudden, Brother Mike starts screaming "MY WALLET, MY WALLET". For those who know Brother Mike, the guy could get louder than the entire gymnasium during an assembly, and probably out-shout Giants Stadium with ease. As the gypsy ran away, a stampede of Academy students chased her down. It was quite a site. He was a great man, he will be missed...

Kevin was talking about getting together soon for a defacto 10 year reunion. I'm game. Let's set it up!
