This book is written and drawn by Jeff Smith.
First the Art. Man do I love Jeff Smith's art. It has a simple style that is amazing. One of the things that i noticed in Bone and also somewhat in this is that his character images are a little simplistic (I'm sure that they are not easy to draw but they seem that way) but the contrast of these simple lines with the backgrounds that he draws is amazing. I have not read Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil (i heard there is some allegorical political stuff in there that really would not mesh with my ideals) but i am still thinking of picking it up just to look at his art.
The Writing is pretty good for a first issue. Not a lot of dialogue and it is mostly told in narration boxes. For some reason i am always drawn to books like this. It gives you a little info on the main character and it is enough to draw you in. The only complaint i have (and man is it minute) is i think a little more could have been offered to the reader. I was left wondering a little too much when i finished this story. for a first issue of a completely new story you really need to through the readers a bone on what kind of story you are going to tell.
The story is centered around an art thief named RASL i think ( i don't believe they ever actually come out and tell you that). He is talking about how all this thievery used to be hard before he tapped into the drift. The drift is kind of explained as a way to jump through inter dimensional worlds. (again a little more info would have been nice). We next see him on what looks like a normal world and entering a bar where he needs to combat how tired he is after the "Jump". While in the Bar he see something strange in the Juke Box that makes him realise he is not on the right dimension. After this a lizard creature comes in and begins to shoot at him. He runs and goes to a roof top where it is kind of explained that Drifting takes a lot out of you and there is no way you can do it twice in a day.
This book Just misses being perfect. I am looking forward to the next one and hopefully things will be explained.
Talk to you all later
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