For the rare Sunday review I will be talking about Echo #1
This is Terry Moore's First big project after he ended is Legendary indy run on Strangers in Paradise. He does everything in this book.
The art is Pretty good. It didn't make me proclaim him the next Kirby or Jeff smith Even but it was serviceable. Some people act this man
god among indy creators but i Hope it is not for the art. (then again i am judging this off of one issue, I am a judgemental fuck aren't I)
The writing was pretty good. The story moved along at a decent pace. People had there own voices but if it wasn't paired with the art i sometimes wouldn't been able to distinguish a few of them.
The story starts out at a military out post where it seems they are testing out some sort of war suit. The last test comes in and it is a missile test. The person in the suit needs to be hit with a missile out check the durability. Things go awry and next we are focused on a photographer that happens to be in the area of this test. She notices an explosion in the air and little metal pellets dropping all around her. The stick to her and she goes home and the seem to assimilate back into the suit but this time on her.
I say seems because this is one of the problems i have with the book. I understand it is indy and most indy books are black and white. This helps cut down on cost (and stays true to the art form , Man). But when you are dealing with Black and white you sure as shit better be drawing the fuck out of the book so i can distinguish different things. Towards the end of this book the Photog picks something up and it seriously looks like a Snake that a elementary student would draw. I had no clue.
My second problem with the book is the choice of paper stock. I know i am being a nit picky bastard right now but i seriously thought that DCBS sent me a coloring book by mistake when i picked this up. My wife thought that too and actually asked me "Are they doing Color your own comics now". Again i understand when you have a smaller print run Economies of scale come into play and you sometime need to cut somethings but Holy shit was this bad.
I have the next two ordered and will let y'all know if i stay on it or not (because i know you live a die by my pull list)
Talk to you later,
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