Been a long time for one of these motherfuckers huh?
Well today My review is for the first X Factor Premier Hard Cover : Maddrox Multiple choices. (seriously did we need that much in a fucking title this book has two fucking subtitles)
This is written by Peter David and Drawn by Pablo Raimondi.
The art had a classic crime movie feel. This is perfect because that is what this is. Well its not a fucking movie people its a comic Follow me people Jesus. While I feel that this art wouldn't fit a book like (holy shit i don't think marvel has a light hearted book, what gloomy dark motherfuckers they are over there) Superman. It is perfect for this one. A little scratchy at times but not too much and great faces.
The writing is pretty good. I am not ready to anoint Peter David as the next coming of (insert great writer here) he is definitely adequate. ( i think i just heard 1000 fanboys' mouths gaping open). He writes Maddrox very well and gives each dupe such a distinct personality, you know it isn't the original but not so different that it becomes distracting. i just re read that and my writing is very confusing oh well I'm paid to edit not write. (and you can tell by the grammar in my blog that i have duped the fuck out of these people at this job).
The story centers around Jaime Maddrox and his forming of the XXX Mutant investigators. He is basically getting the band back together when a dupe that has been knifed shows up and dies. maddrox , having the ability to get the memories of the dupe, see flashes of Chicago and the murderer and decides he needs to investigate. Well not to spoil to much he finds the killer and all is good including the Cheesy as ending where someone (sorry x folk way to many people for my corroded mind to remember) says "Jaime we changed the name of the agency to something a little different" and we see them closing the door and it says "X Factor" Almost made me throw-up in my mouth a little bit.
The one thing that annoyed the fuck out of me and actually dragged me out of the books sometimes is You could tell that David was going for a film Noir style with the title. You can not only get this by reading the book but David has Maddrox say every fucking moment he can " This is so film Noir." I mean come on man, if your fucking readers are too stupid to not get what you were going for leave them behind. There was one specific issue where it seemed like in a two page spread maddrox says that 5 times. Don't treat your readers like an idiot, i can get it and don't care if someone can't.
Would i recommend this book, Hmmmmmm. Well it is right on the fucking cusp falling towards the good read side. If you can get it at a really good price it is definitely worth the read.
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