Thursday, May 29, 2008

My haul

What a great week.  Nice four issue haul, sun is out, Final Crisis Begins, Podcast coming out tonight, Baby gets up at 5 every morning. Well 4 out of 5 is not bad.

What i got this week:

Final Crisis 1 (my shop only had the Lantern Cover so the decision was made for me on which i would be getting)
Green Lantern
Action Comics

Well you all know that i needed to get right into Final Crisis as soon as i got into the Fucking deli next store to get my sandwich

This book is written by the holy spirit of my Comics Trinity Grant Morrison, (Would he be anything other then the spirit) and was extraordinarily, beautifully, exceptionally (can i though any more superlatives out there) drawn by JG Jones.

Holy Fuck was this the most fun i have had reading a goddamn comic in a long time.   Morrison is starting off in the red (any car junkies read my blog). We start with Anthro just as Morrison said but who the fuck could have expected Metron to be there.  OK I now just realized that if you are new to DC Jump ship now because you will have no clue about half the shit that is on this book but you can still look at the pictures like a waterhead a drool so whatever buy it anyway.  We then Get into Dark Side (yes that is spelled right motherfuckers) from his Mister Miracle mini in 7 soldiers.  We see some demented kids that have learned the anti life.  Stewart and Jordan come across the dead body of Orion.  The Hall of Justice and the Legion of Doom juxtaposed beautifully.   We even get some tattooed man but Not Abel Torent(i think i spelled that right) but i think it was the guy the torant inked in prison during the vertigo series that came out in 1993 (or around that time). I mean holy shit you have had to have been reading everything DC for about 15 years just to wrap your head around any of this shit.  We see Martian Manhunter being tortured by the villains. and it ENDS (you see the big fucking word ENDS there that means i am Going to SPOIL the shit out of this. SPOILERS ASSHOLES TURN AWAY NOW IF YOU DON"T WANT TO KNOW THAT MARTIAN MANHUNTER IS DEAD)(i guess i shouldn't have typed that last part in big letters.  Oh well you know what they say about hindsight).

We are in for a hell of a fucking ride and I am going to enjoy each and every step.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Haul

Pretty Average Size week for me.  Have I mentioned that the great guy that is My LCS owner has decided to skimp out a little bit and stop including Bags and Boards to Subscribers.  He now charges you 25 cents if you want it.  He doesn't know it but that has caused me to order more and more on line.  Oh well for him.

Anyway.  I got


With my hour lunch back i now get to go back to my normal routine which was Get my Books.  Bullshit for a little bit with the owner and then go to Jersey Mikes Sub shop and get a roast beef sub and read a book.  This week I chose flash.

No everyone I think is in agreement that Flash has been Fucking Horrible lately and if you do not agree with that then you are a fucking retard.  (Just kidding... kind of).  Well these last two  (maybe three) issues have to deal with  villain named Spin.  All issue this motherfucker keeps saying that he needs to report to Dark Side.  I was pissed.  I mean not only were they bringing Dark Side back but they are doing it in a shitty book where the author can not even spell the fucking name right.  

OK Folks Follow me here.  I just Finished Seven Soldiers of Victory by Grant Morrison about a week ago (i would of reviewed it but i am still trying to figure out who and what i read).
In there one of the soldiers is Mister Miracle.  No Not Scott Free but some Black Man named Shilo Norman (again i think that is his name but that is the extent of the research you get on this blog). It seems that in the not too distant Future in that book the New gods have Died and been reincarnated as thugs and gangsters.  I really don't know it confused the Fuck out of me.  But the reason i am bringing this up is that the Big Bad and Controller of the Sheeda from the Mister Miracle series was A big black man named Dark Side.  And in this Flash Issue The same black man is there Named Dark Side.  

Morrison is a writing genius.  So who gives a fuck if you don't understand 7 soldiers that was really just ht e fucking prologue for what is about to happen in the DCU.  Morrison had this event fucking planned for something like 5 years and everything else that has happened in the DCU is just to fill time and help people connect the fucking Dots.  

Holy Shit i just realised in the puny little brain i have that the Same Artist was on both of these motherfuckers.  Freddie Williams II is the artist on Flash and Mister Miracle.  My mind is beginning to get blown. 

This is going to be a great ride.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My New Job

Well people i got a new Job.  

I am still working for the same company but in a much different capacity..

For those of you that didn't know, I worked (and still work for) a cigar company.  I have had a love of tobacco since I was fourteen and when i lost my Job as a stock broker i thought it would be perfect (plus they would hire me which is more then I can say about some Banks). Here's the problem the only job they had open was for a sales associate.  Well i took it; got paid shit;  worked horrible hours; got very bored.  So the next logical progression was customer service.  man I thought order-taking was a piece of shit of a job this was horrible.  Not only was I still talking to customers but now i was talking to the assholes with problems.

Again Got very bored doing this.  So the owners assistant was leaving to open his own store and i was thought of for the position.  Flattered, i thought it was great at first.  I dealt with the million dollar and international customers.  This was great for three months and then Bored again.  the problem i was having is that everything i was doing was the same shit just with different people.  Well now a job opened up for the magazine, Cigar Magazine, that i didn't even think to apply for.

My supervisor came to me and said (paraphrasing of course) , I need a writing sample because i can tell you are bored there and i submitted your name for the editorial assistant position of the magazine. Well i was shocked.  I had no skill sets for this job.  My degree is in Finance for Fucks sake.

Well i Interviewed and got the job.  This means a raise, working exclusively on a mac, and most importantly the return of my hour lunch..  Yeah remember the post i had a while ago ranting like a maniac about my half hour lunch and all that shit.  Well strike that reverse it.  I started the job on Monday and for the past two days I have been able to read three comics at lunch as well as eat.  Holy shit is this great.  I am four issues from being caught up.  Good times are ahead for me and the Blog and The podcast.  Oh Wait i wasn't supposed to say anything about that yet.

Talk to you later.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Haul

Well sorry for this being a day late but i promise you that you will be happy for the reason why:

What I got this week:


Yep that's it sorry that is was kind of uneventful.

Also on a side note i decided not to buy Secret Invasion. i will wait for all you Zombies (and that is an affectionate term) to read it and let me know if it was any good. I got the Prelude "Infiltration" in trade so i think that getting this in trade would be a good idea.

And i Urge all of you to Subscribe to the Comic Book Savant Podcast because big things are coming my friends. Not only was I on the last episode but there is a lot more on the way.

That is all i will say for now.

Talk to you later,


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Haul

Well people yet another week of Nothing. i am so piss poor i cannot think to spend the $12 to get my four books this week.

But here is what i would have gotten if I didn't order online and if I actually had money

Detective Comics 844
Action Comics Annual 11 (i can't believe i am finally getting an end to this fucking story)
Countdown to Mystery 7
Tor 1

Amazing Spiderman 558
Secret Invasion 2

The Boys 18

I am deeply saddened by the Countdown to mystery title. Not because it is bad but quite the contrary. I love the way Steve Gerber put his spin on the Doctor Fate character and his untimely passing will prevent me from getting and end to this tale. Well let me take that back because DC is finishing the story and i think (if i read it correctly) the way they are doing it is classy as shit. From what i have heard is DC is bringing in a whole bunch of guest writers to complete this story as a tribute to Steve.

And for those of you that are completely unaware of Steve i would highly suggest getting the Howard the Duck essential (its only 16.99 at full price people) and give it a read. In my opinion it is one of the few perfect comics.

Talk to you later,


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Penance #5 and Thunderbolts #119

Todays books are somewhat related.

Lets start with Penance Relentless #5 ( of 5)

This Book is written by Paul Jenkens and the art is by Gulacy.

The art is pretty good. Nothing that says wow i want to spend way too much money so that i can own a page from this book. But is is good.

The writting I thought was great. This is a character that Jenkins "invented" during the bullshit that was Civil War Front line. This is one of the only threads from that story that i enjoyed. A lot of people disliked this story because of the characterization of speedball from the new warriors but i never knew that character so i couldn't give less of a fuck about that.

This story is about Penance defecting from the Thunderbolts after the beginning of his psychological profile. WE come to learn that he is on his way to Latveria and to the Prime person that is over there, Doom. Doom has been holding captive a certain person that is the cause of all Robbies pain and suffering and he wants his last licks at this person. When he gets to him a battle ensues and man what a fucking licking Nitro gets. Really great action scenes.

Next up is Thunderbolts 119

This is Written by one of my Trinity, Warren Ellis and the art is by Mike Deodato.

The art is ok. It is a little too phot realistic for me but man can he draw the shit out of action sequences. Some of the panels with swordsman in this are simply beautiful. On the other hand His Venom looks fucking ridiculous. I mean Venom has more back fucking muscles then is possible even if you are infested with an alien Symbiote. Come on man what happened to the clean look of this villian from the McFarlane Michelenie( i really can not spell). That was a villian that almost every one loved. Now he is just a muscle bound freak that is trying to feed his hunger.

The writing is great. I mean it is Warren Fucking Ellis so you know i was going to like it. He just knows how to write. Each character is unique. I also think it helps that each character on this team is a little crazy. If you ever followed Warren Ellis you know he falls on that side of the crazy line as well.

This story centers around the Swordsman and his growing angst against being controlled by Norman Osborn. In the background of the story is Doc Samson's psych profile of Penance. This story culminates with Swordsman getting his sword back and battling his way through thunderbolts mountain. Great Battles and especially great art in his battle with Venom. If you are not reading this book i would look for the back issues of the ellis run becasue sadly he is leaving the book soon becasue (his words) "he is getting bored by it".

My only problem with this and this is a problem i have with a lot of comics is when the hell is the Penance Mini taking place in regards to this thunderbolts arc. For gods sake it seems like Robbie is the sane one in this story while in his mini he is off the fucking deep end. I love in the beginning of stories a little editorial direction. A nice note like "this takes place after thunderbolts 119" would have been nice. I know that this is a little fan boy of me but Fuck that is what i am and I like my continuity in place.

That little problem didn't stop me from enjoying the fuck out of these issues though and I would suggest that y'all pick this up in trade.

Talk to you later,


Friday, May 2, 2008

New DC Chalkboard

OK People We have a new chalk board to discuss. This was found on the top of the DC Nation page in this weeks DC comics. One of the most fun things i did during 52 was look over and over again at Rip Hunters Chalkboard in issue 14(i think) and try to analyse everything on there.

OK so this is what is on the board: (i will put my guesses in parenthesis)

In Red on the board is:

  1. Submit (obviously has to do with Darkseid or Mongul)
  2. Evil Won ( see above)
  3. Resist (someone will be tempted but who)
  4. 3 Reborn (Barry, Bart, Crispus Allen)

In Black:

  1. Who is Wonder Dog? (unfortunately i think this may be the reintroduction of the wonder twins)
  2. 100% Alien (superman going back to his Kryptonian Roots possibly superman of Earth 1)
  3. I Am batman? (Bruce questioning himself or Possibly Dick taking over the mantle)
  4. Girl Fight (Battle between Supergirl and Mary Marvel)
  5. 1000 / 3 = 1 (obviously the Legion)
  6. There is no one Yet (i have no clue)
  7. The Traitor among us ( i think that there is some bad dude in JSA)
  8. The Son Rises (Damian or possibly the one Supes adopted or maybe Tim taking over the role of Batman)
  9. He is the Force (Bart Allen)
  10. Mercy Ruling (Monguls Mercy Plants or possibly libra)
  11. The Dead Shall Rise (Black Lantern Corps)
  12. Sightings all around us (no clue)
  13. Who Questions the Question (Libra)
  14. No 2 For you (Someone trying to get to earth 2 but failing)
  15. You can go home again (possibly Prime actually getting to his home again)
  16. He never left hell (Neron or dare I say it Etrigan)
  17. TT Have no Reception (Titans losing a member possibly Tim to become Batman)
  18. First Boy/Last Boy (morrison has already said that the first panel will have Anthro and the last panel will have Kamandi)
  19. 4 Times as red (Wally, Bart, Barry and Jay together again)
  20. Murder/Suicide Father/Son (hmmm this one intrigues me alot. I have a feeling it has to do with Damian but not sure)
  21. Post no Bills (no clue)
  22. Rocket vs satellite (could be Rocket Red Returning to take out Brother Eye)
  23. Paper not Plastic (we all need more Plastic Man)
  24. He Wakes the world ends (Black Hand)
  25. No Glory No Gold (could mean a return to his old ways for Booster because he sees that there is no way he can do good without screwing with the time stream but i have a hope because of the Signing of Giffer that this may be a return of General Glory)
  26. Best Woman for the Job a Man ( the introduction of the Olympian)
  27. I Am Bruce Wayne? (Bruce realising that he can never retire because he is really batman and bruce is the facade)
  28. Superman : Red or Blue? ( i only hope that this is not anything to do with what it sounds like)
  29. JSA/1=2 (A traitor in the JSA will divide the time in half)
  30. The long equation on the bottom is the Anti Life Equation.
  31. 52-1=0 (one earth is the lynch pin to the whole multiverse)

Well those are my guesses for now. They can change at the drop of a hat.

please comment on what you think.

Talk to you later,


Thursday, May 1, 2008

my box from DCBS

From the comment on my last post it seems that some may have forgotten that i do a lot of my comic Buying on line. Why the hell would i pay full price for something when i can get up to 75% off of it. Also if it is something that i want to make sure i read the week it comes out but i also notice that it is coming the last week of the month then i will order it online because that is when my order is shipped.

Here is what is shipping out for me today:
Single Issues
Booster Gold 8
Green Lantern Corps 23
Batman and the outsiders 6
Salvation Run 6
Gotham Underground 7
Suicide Squad 8
Action Comics 854
Justice League 20
DC Universe Zero (of course i am getting this fucking book you tool but from here it was only 12 cents)

Punisher 56
Captain America 37
Thor 8
War is Hell 2

Zorro 2
Echo 2
Sword 7
Gnome -One Shot-
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 27

Secret Invasion Infiltration
Queen and Country Definitive Edition Vol 2

I can't even begin to tell you the savings that have gotten since i began using this service.

Just did a spreadsheet on everything that shipped to me so far excluding the above and if i bought it all in the regular Comic shop it would have cost me $884.07 but with all the discounts that i get from DCBS my total came to

Drum roll please

I don't hear you drum rolling in the back motherfucker


That is a savings of $417.73. Can you believe that shit? I mean why the fuck would i buy anything from the LCS that i don't mind waiting for.

Seriously people go to and look around. I will post how it works if anyone is interested or you can email (email in the contact me or profile or whatever the fuck it is called on the top right hand side of the page.)

talk to y'all later,