Todays books are somewhat related.

Lets start with Penance Relentless #5 ( of 5)
This Book is written by Paul Jenkens and the art is by Gulacy.
The art is pretty good. Nothing that says wow i want to spend way too much money so that i can own a page from this book. But is is good.
The writting I thought was great. This is a character that Jenkins "invented" during the bullshit that was Civil War Front line. This is one of the only threads from that story that i enjoyed. A lot of people disliked this story because of the characterization of speedball from the new warriors but i never knew that character so i couldn't give less of a fuck about that.
This story is about Penance defecting from the Thunderbolts after the beginning of his psychological profile. WE come to learn that he is on his way to Latveria and to the Prime person that is over there, Doom. Doom has been holding captive a certain person that is the cause of all Robbies pain and suffering and he wants his last licks at this person. When he gets to him a battle ensues and man what a fucking licking Nitro gets. Really great action scenes.
This is Written by one of my Trinity, Warren Ellis and the art is by Mike Deodato.
The art is ok. It is a little too phot realistic for me but man can he draw the shit out of action sequences. Some of the panels with swordsman in this are simply beautiful. On the other hand His Venom looks fucking ridiculous. I mean Venom has more back fucking muscles then is possible even if you are infested with an alien Symbiote. Come on man what happened to the clean look of this villian from the McFarlane Michelenie( i really can not spell). That was a villian that almost every one loved. Now he is just a muscle bound freak that is trying to feed his hunger.
The writing is great. I mean it is Warren Fucking Ellis so you know i was going to like it. He just knows how to write. Each character is unique. I also think it helps that each character on this team is a little crazy. If you ever followed Warren Ellis you know he falls on that side of the crazy line as well.
This story centers around the Swordsman and his growing angst against being controlled by Norman Osborn. In the background of the story is Doc Samson's psych profile of Penance. This story culminates with Swordsman getting his sword back and battling his way through thunderbolts mountain. Great Battles and especially great art in his battle with Venom. If you are not reading this book i would look for the back issues of the ellis run becasue sadly he is leaving the book soon becasue (his words) "he is getting bored by it".
My only problem with this and this is a problem i have with a lot of comics is when the hell is the Penance Mini taking place in regards to this thunderbolts arc. For gods sake it seems like Robbie is the sane one in this story while in his mini he is off the fucking deep end. I love in the beginning of stories a little editorial direction. A nice note like "this takes place after thunderbolts 119" would have been nice. I know that this is a little fan boy of me but Fuck that is what i am and I like my continuity in place.
That little problem didn't stop me from enjoying the fuck out of these issues though and I would suggest that y'all pick this up in trade.
Talk to you later,
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