From the comment on my last post it seems that some may have forgotten that i do a lot of my comic Buying on line. Why the hell would i pay full price for something when i can get up to 75% off of it. Also if it is something that i want to make sure i read the week it comes out but i also notice that it is coming the last week of the month then i will order it online because that is when my order is shipped.
Here is what is shipping out for me today:
Single Issues
Booster Gold 8
Green Lantern Corps 23
Batman and the outsiders 6
Salvation Run 6
Gotham Underground 7
Suicide Squad 8
Action Comics 854
Justice League 20
DC Universe Zero (of course i am getting this fucking book you tool but from here it was only 12 cents)
Punisher 56
Captain America 37
Thor 8
War is Hell 2
Zorro 2
Echo 2
Sword 7
Gnome -One Shot-
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 27
Secret Invasion Infiltration
Queen and Country Definitive Edition Vol 2
I can't even begin to tell you the savings that have gotten since i began using this service.
Just did a spreadsheet on everything that shipped to me so far excluding the above and if i bought it all in the regular Comic shop it would have cost me $884.07 but with all the discounts that i get from DCBS my total came to
Drum roll please
I don't hear you drum rolling in the back motherfucker
That is a savings of $417.73. Can you believe that shit? I mean why the fuck would i buy anything from the LCS that i don't mind waiting for.
Seriously people go to and look around. I will post how it works if anyone is interested or you can email (email in the contact me or profile or whatever the fuck it is called on the top right hand side of the page.)
talk to y'all later,
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