Well there sort of is a good reason for the no Post: I didn't get any fucking comics.
i only had three coming out so i decided to save them for this week. but on the other hand i made a comics related purchase.
I shot down to best Buy (man good thing i put that "to" in there otherwise the meaning is completely different and I may have police looking for me. On that note has anyone here seen the great Gene Hackman movie "The Conversation". Seriously if you have not then go see it. Such a good movie based on the importance of infliction.)
Anyway at Best Buy I got:
Batman Gotham Knight
Batman: TAS Volume 3
Batman: TAS Volume 4
and a pink Ink Cartridge (well that's not comic related but I'm sure they use pink ink somewhere)
So i sat down with my Seven Month old on Saturday afternoon and watched Gotham Knights. I know... i know PG 13 and seven months not right, but hell she has more fun playing with me on the floor while we watched then i think she has had yet.
Gotham Knights was very good. I loved the animation of the backgrounds and the lines were great. The face models had a little bit to be desired and some had Bruce way to fucking young.
I seem to be in the minority here as a lot of people thought it was very boring. i on the other hand loved the drama that was in each of these 20 minutes shorts. Yes the first three were a little slow moving but the character profiles that were made here were great and the last three made the movie totally worth the purchase. The Deadshot one alone was so good i may have paid money for it. I Can't wait to delve deeper into the second disc that has a boss Bob Kane Documentary on it.
OK That's it folks, Go get this disc,
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