You all know that i like fantasy shit (at least i hope you do since you read this motherfucker).
You all know i love comics.
Well back when i was in HS i used to play so D&D and man was it fun. I haven't played in like 14 years and the opportunity has come up for me to join a game. So what the hell i did it.
Now this isn't the normal sit around in the basement get fucking high as shit and pretend your wizards kind of deal. No we are playing over a forum. That's right folks What used to be a great time of imagination and human interaction has now become: DM post part of story: You react to story: others react to you reacting. And never will we talk about that. You can follow our game if you like at My Character is Jonathan Kellerman.

The Game I am Playing is called "Call of Cthulhu" and it is based in Lovecraftian (is that a fucking word) mythos. A lot of people actually do not like this game because there really is no winning or losing. your character will either die or go crazy eventually. There is no avoiding it. The main goal is to stay sane as long
as you can.
Now here comes something that some of you may be shocked at (if you can be shocked by a faceless entity on the Internet). I have never read any Lovecraft. So in searching the borders website they said they had a book that was the complete Lovecraft in stock at the one by my work. Well this has happened to me the last six... yes i said six... times i went there. i look for the book, can't find it, go to information desk, they look for the book and can't find it. They say that the computer inventory is wrong sometimes and offer to order me the book. What the fuck. How can your inventory be wrong so many god damned times? I'd hate to be the guy who has to catalog all these errors. Now the woman that helped me was great. And i know that it is not her fault. She looked everywhere for this book. I mean she even looked in the arts and crafts section because she realized how dumb some of the people that work there are.
So I ended getting a different book that had a bunch of stories in it:
So these are the stories that are in the book:
- The Outsider
- The Music of Erich Zann
- The Rats in the Walls
- The Shunned House
- The Call of Cthulhu
- The Colour Out of Space
- The Dunwich Horror
- At the Mountain of Madness
- The Shadow Over Innsmouth
- The Shadow Out of Time
So have any of you read any of this shit before and did i get what would be called as a good starter in Lovecraft. What stories would you recommend me getting that are missing?
Help a brother out reading some good psychological Horror.
Talk to y'all later,
I think the stories you have are a nice primer for Lovecraft. After you finish those let me know which ones you liked best and I can direct you to more along those lines.
i started out with at the mountains of madness.
oh and the borders website and the inventory in store are completely different and not updated to the moment of every search.
I agree, it should be, but unfortunately it's not.
The amount of money that it would take to generate an engine that was 100% accurate all the time for every user, would be a huge investment.
Right now they just aren't paying us programmers enough to care or to work on projects like that.
At the Mountains of Madness...great stuff.
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