This was a one shot the Was Written and Penciled by Newcomer Fernanda Chiella (and when I say newcomer i mean this guy has done nothing else but this book according to the comic book DB)
First the Art: This is a Black and White book that mixes styles slightly throughout the book. There are times when things are a little cartoony and some is a little more realistic. You can tell that the artist relies a lot on the digital art. There are some panels that play out like a TV show or movie where there will be two identical panels side by side but with the focus on Two different subject. In all i Liked the art I will give it an 8.
The Story: This was a dark story(what should I have expected with the title.) It basically focuses on a girl who is fighting with the idea of suicide. A boy that she befriended shows up after receiving a voicemail from her. When he arrives, there is also a shadowy figure in the room that is basically trying to get her to do it. The book is just these two people trying to convince her to either to kill herself or not. It is well written and also very well paced. Another Solid 8.
Sorry about the lack of humor here but suicide kind of does that to me.
Catch y'all later with some more reviews.
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