Holy shit 3 post in one day. i must be A) going crazy or b) incredibly bored at work I'll give you a moment to guess .................................................................................. OK boys and Girls if you picked C) all of the above you are correct.
First let me say that I have officially changed the name of my blog the Thank God Its Wednesday because after Googling TGIW i found out it stands for Teaching God's Infinite Wisdom. And, even though i am a somewhat religious guy, the last thing i want someone to do is stumble upon a review of Caligula while looking for religious websites.
Now This week I should have changed the name to TWIT because of the stupid ass holiday of Labor Day (i don't know why i complain because i get the day off but anywho) It is on weeks like this that the new books come on Thursday (i don't know why i over explain things if you are reading this page I am sure you know when comics come out).
What I got today is as follows:
(i am really bad at numbers so i will only put the number if it is not the latest book that has come out)
The Boys
Detective Comics
Amazing Spiderman
Doktor Sleepless
I will review these as read.
Is anyone actually reading this thing or am i just doing this for myself. And if it is for myself then am I crazy because then I am technically talking to myself. Please leave comments, add me to RSS feeds whatever you can do to know i am not completely insane. I promise it will get better if you don't like and if you do we are in for a world of fun. (I'm done groveling for now)
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