This book was Written by Brad Meltzer and Penciled by Ed Benes
Now here is the first thing that really pisses me off with DC sometimes. Why did this book need 2 covers. I got the left half of the book that basically split Wonder women in half. I wanted the Right side by i was not going to spend an extra $3.00 for a cover just to complete an image (no matter how beautiful it is. Has DC not heard of Wrap around covers. This Book would have been beautiful with either a wraparound or even a Fold out cover. Stop being such money hungry bastards DC and trying to get me to buy multiple versions of the same comic. That may have worked in the '90 when i was a kid and thought i would buy my first house with the comics I bought but you should now realise that the boom is over (hell its been over for almost 10 years) and reward fans that buy your books instead of punishing us by giving us a cover that only includes all the left Features of Wonder Woman (and I am talking about her eyes people get your fucking mind out of the gutter).
Ok, I'm Better now. Now to the Art. I am beginning to sound like a Broken Record but again the artwork is stunning. i didn't care for the art in the beginning where the revisited the very early days of the JLA and the initial bonds that the beginning members formed but i just took that as retro art and got over it.
The Story was great. I do believe that this was the best issue that Meltzer has written. To bad it is his last but i am soooooo psyched to get McDuffie (i know i am spelling it wrong but i feel like being lazy)(well i changed my mind and Holy Shit i am right).
The story, like i said, starts off in the beginning days of the league with the original members and the friendship they formed. The rest of the story is about the lives of the current members and their current lives (with a few reveals) but the big mystery is the backing narrators who are not revealed until the end of the book. the ending blew my mind a little because of the current line up of the Outsiders. What does this mean towards this book or the future of the outsiders.
Does McDuffie want to change the lineup back to a more traditional one already? He said in WW Chicago that he wouldn't but here is something that I have learned WRITERS LIE!!!!! Well that may be strong maybe i should have said bend the truth.
Anyway that is my review of JLA #12. next up The Complete Bite Club TPB
1 comment:
I've really enjoyed McDuffie's run on FF so I'm looking forward to seeing what he does with the Justice League. It's going to take some work to surpass what Johns is doing with the JSA, but I'm hoping he can do it.
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