This book is written by Brian Wood and Penciled by Riccardo Burchielli
I was first turned on to this book by the Comic Book Savant. Everyone out there should really give his show a try because not only will he offer you great reading advice. He will also mellow out your day with his laid back delivery. (plus yours truly has a segment on his show.)
The art in this book is amazing. It is so much more then the typical vertigo book. It has that realistic edge but not overly so if you know what i mean (if not well then Fuck me). The great thing about this book is the drawing of the backgrounds. Anyone that lives or has lived in the tri-state area will see things in the background that they hold near and dear. As Brian Wood has stated in numerous backgrounds the City play as much of a character in this book as do the people. Now that is not saying that if you have never been to the city you will not enjoy this but it is just an added dimension to the story.
The Writing is amazing. The one thing that I love about the writing in this book is that the story is a very political one. I have listened to Brian Wood on numerous interviews and i know that his politics are very much the polar opposite of mine but he does not let that show too much in this title. Another great thing about this book is the fact that he has the ability to write each character differently. Even without the pictures i would be able to tell when the lead is talking compared to a terrorist compared to some military figure. I think this is a sign of a great writer. i will hop on and try almost anything that i see his name attached to.
This story takes our protagonist undercover. He is working for the "Trustwell" company who is rebuilding part of the DMZ (Manhattan). While working for them he encounters a terrorist cell and befriends them by not snitching. He witnesses them do many atrocities and decides he wants out but in doing so he decided to help a girl that has signed up to be a suicide bomber. I really don't want to say too much more on this because this book is so full of twists and turns that by the end you will be spinning a little. (Of course this is a good things all you fellow dead heads out there).
This is the Trade that I look most forward to each time i see it solicited (or hell when i can figure out when an arc is ending so i know the trade will be there in the next previews). I will pick up anything the Wood does for now on because the writing is just that damn good.
Hope i helped you pick out a winner.
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