The cover image is not the one i got but Google Images wouldn't pull up the marko icantspellhislastname cover in the 5 minutes that I had the patience for.
This Book is Written by JMS and Drawn(i refuse to put pencilled) by EIC Joe Quesada. (Can we get any more hard names on this book. For fucks sake its like they said Marko Your last name is harder to spell then ours Draw our variants.)
The are it Great in spots but not so much in others. i can't stand the Way Joe Q draws faces. They seem a lot older then they should be. There where a couple of panels with Spidey and his half pulled up mask where I was saying to myself "Who the fuck is under that mask?". (And yes I do talk to myself.) But there were some breath taking scenes as well. he can draw a very good Dr. Strange in my opinion.
The writing here I thought was much better then JMS has been of late in this series. He seemed to have Dr. Strange down and finally found Peters voice. ( well after this many fucking issues and only 2 to go i would hope so.)
The story was decent. may is still in a coma and the Doctors are saying that there is really nothing that they can do so Peter goes to the only Doctor that he thinks will be able to help, Sorcerer Supreme himself Dc. Strange. Doc then tells Peter of the problems with time travel and changing events that have already occurred (Obviously they have not been reading Booster Gold.) Peter Tries to anyhow but is chased by demons and Strange is forced to try to help peter back. The ending was a little strange in my book though because do not know much of Marvel characters. He is met by one that I did not know that says she can help. if anyone can give me a hand on this please leave a comment.
Now to what pisses me off about this book. The backup features. I hate that Marvel is charging me $3.99 for a story that has a couple of extra pages but is made thick with what is essentially an OHOTMU entry for Mary Jane. Hey Joe, i don't think there are that many new readers jumping on to Spiderman with One More Day. if someone out there does not know who Mary Jane is then fuck em. This is not the story for them. Lets save you loyal readers the Fucking Buck and let us use our god damn memory about Mary Jane. She wasn't even featured in this Fucking Book so i had no reason to even have to "learn" about her character. Also I do not give a shit on how you drew four pages or to have a story from the "good old days". How about you save me the dollar and I spend that on another Marvel book (although you all know I would be just using that on a DC Book.)
These backups are really pissing me off and I am here at work so i better stop typing before i throw my computer and get fired
Talk to you all later
Yes JMS does have a special knack for writing Dr. Strange. His Strange mini-series was fantastic.
Mike M.
my diappointment with this book are exactly the two things that you mentioned: 1) extra pages aren't story so why am i paying more. 2) Joe Q's art is very very spotty.
Jason (darthdad)
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