A light week this week but that means I was able to read some and they were both fucking amazing. i love when i have a small week but each title so far is better then the last.
Here is what I got:
(don't feel like looking up the numbers this week)
Countdown to mystery
Action Comics
The comic formally known as Countdown
Well like i said up top i got to read a comic in my car during my lunch and i begrudgingly chose Countdown to final crisis.
Oh If you don't want you shit spoiled i would stop here. (by the way i love when podcast tell me they will be spoiling shit that I may not of read. They then go on to say put our cast aside and come pack once you have read your comics. I always intend to do this but what happens is that i listen to so many podcast that It gets so far away that i just end up deleting it. Yes i am a lazy fuck but i hate my shit too spoiled.)
This is Finally the book i was looking for. This is a catchup story to a degree that sort of explains everything that has happened so far (well they do not touch on piper and trickster and there is one line for Mary Marvel). this catchup is told through the eyes of the monitors. They all are discussing what needs to be done to stop the anomalies and after much coercion they decide to no longer sit back and watch but do to war.
We then are shown the Challengers and realise that Jason Todd is an asshole but not as much of an asshole as we were left to think last issue. Kyle is still being written horribly but Bob is a great read.
We are then shown earth 15 were that earths lex luthor is being grabbed by a superman on sorts. He is then told by said superman that he could have achieved order on his universe but he is gone and (i am paraphrasing) fucked things up.
The pacing, writing and art in this book was exactly what I have been looking for. i am so happy that I have not jumped of this book.
Talk to you later,
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