This book was written By Allan Moore and Pencilled by Kevin O'Neill
The art work is great. You can tell the O'Neill was in love with these characters. Each character is given there own unique look and the facial expressions he draws are beyond unbelievable.
The writing is Allan Moore. That is really all you have to say. if you walk up to a stranger and say Allan Fucking Moore you most likely will get one of two reactions. A) you will get slapped in the face because the person doesn't know who you are talking about and is highly offended that you walked up to them and used the f word (or they are Rob Leifeld) or B) you will get a smile as they recall the tales that this man has spun.
The story is a secret league that the British government has put together in order to collect a device to help with a flying war machine (at least that is what we are lead to believe in the beginning.) The league consist of literary characters Mina Murray, Allan Quartermain, Jekyll and Hyde, Captain Nemo, and Hawley Griffen (the invisible man.) In fact after reading the wiki page on this it turns out that even the background charaqcters in this book have some sort of literary bockground (this man is a genious.) The story has all sorts of twists and turns that i would be doing a horrible disservice too if i tried to describe it here.
If you see this review and think of the movie go an take a knife and stab yourself in the leg. the movie is a piece of shit that should have been destroyed. This book is amazing
Pick it Up
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