Well as noted in a lot of post (as well as the one right below this) I listen to a lot of podcast.
There were so many podcasts that were warning people that comics will come Thursday this week but i thought this couldn't be. How could a holiday the week before fuck up the schedule for the coming week. Mind you i work for a mail order company and know that UPS was not doing anything on Friday unless it was an air package.
I left my house this morning and did not bring a book. i went to the ATM to take out my comics and lunch money. (i have a ritual where right after i go to the comic shop i go to the sub shop next door and read countdown over a nice roast beef sub). When i first got into work i went to comiclist.com and printed out the Checklist of books i wanted to get from the LCS.(not looking at the top of the checklist with tomorrows date). and was already to go at lunch and pick up my books.
I was listening to Indie Comic Book Noise hosted by Bruce Rosenberger(sorry if i mispelt the name there Bruce.) which can be found at www.comicbooknoise.com. In this great podcast he started out by warning us of the delay. I thought Fuck I hope this isn't true. So i went back and checked the list and noticed the change of date on top.
FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! this has thrown my schedule off for the week. i am a person that hates change in any way. No i am left here at work with no book to read a lunch or anything else to do but my actual work.
Guess i will have to blog more.
Two things:
1) You spell Bruce's name correctly. It is the same way that Bruce Wayne spells his.
2) I did the exact same thing. I went to the LCS and was reminded that the new comics wouldn't be in until tomorrow. I just bought some stuff that I missed like Lord Havok and The Extremists 1 and Potters Field 1.
Great post.
Take it easy,
Hey, books were a day late this week. Just in case you hadn't heard.
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