This Book is written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz and Pencilled by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund.
I can't remember if i blogged on any of these issues yet but if you are not buying this comic I can no longer be friends with you (Just Kidding)(sort of).
Holy Fuck is this book good. A lot of people don't like some of the things that Johns does because he is bringing some of the silver age campyness and continuity baggage with the characters he is writing right now (which is the whole Dc Universe). I am here to call these peoples Morons (Just Kidding)(sort of).
The art in the book is great. If Jurgans doesn't know how to draw this book he may as well quit the industry because he created this character. I can't tell you how much the art in this book matches the writing. It really is perfect.
The writing is top notch. Johns really gets the humor that is needed in this book. You can't have a writer on this book that would be grim or serious. this is a light heartedness that needs to be in a Booster gold title.
The story in this issue is more time travel goodness. The time line that Booster needs to fix in this issue is that of Pa Kents great grandfather. There is a bounty put on the Head of the Doctor that is supposed to deliver him. This brings Booster back to the old west where he meets up with Jonah Hex. we learn that the one who is screwing up the time lines is a new Supernova who we have yet to learn who it is.
If you like time travel please do yourself a favor and pick this book up.(Now I know i typed this before)
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