This Book is written by Peter Milligan and Drawn by Freddie Williams II (FEW II to those of us in the know).
The art is amazing. I love Freddie's art and I am so glad that he is replacing the Awful Acuna (IMHO) on the flash. Also Freddie is a great guy. i got to meet him at CGS 300 and he was so down to earth and amazing. If you see him at a convention make sure you check him out.
The writing was OK. It was not horrible but it didn't blow me away. There were things in this story that i couldn't tell if i didn't care for the writing or the plotting.
Now to the story. This is part one of the resurrection of Ra's al Ghul story line. It starts out with Robin alone in Wayne manor and Alfred trying to coax him to bed (his own bed you fools get you mind out of the gay pedophile gutter).
He feels a responsibilty to the city with the big dog away. Damian is away from the clutches of his mother and grandfather and is returning to Wayne manor. batman is away and doesn't seem to want to return to Wayne manor.
Now this is the part that i didn't care for. Robin is written like a spoiled brat. Now I haven''t read this book before but is this how robin is written in this book. is he just s sniveling little brat. if so then I am glad that FEW is no longer on this book. If this is the representation of the book I would never pick it up after this.
I liked this book though and would recommend it for anyone interested in the Ra's Al Ghul storyline because it does move the story along quite nicely but if you are looking for a good robin story then stay as far away as possible.
I haven't gotten this issue in yet, but I'm almost afraid. I had gotten a lot of negative feedback when Milligan was writing X-Men, just about everyone told me to wait until Carey started. This is a favorite book of mine, I don't want it to go down the tubes.
On the subject, wondering if you read Robin #167, the one that Brandon Thomas filled in for?
No I never read any robin before this issue.
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