and the last review of the morning is Dynamo 5 TPB Vol 1
This is written by Jay Faerber and Pencilled by Mahmud Asrar.
The art is out of this world. It is perfectly matched for the light heartedness of this book. The lines are clean and the facial expressions on the characters are amazing. I don't know if Asrar has done anything else but i think that he would be so well suited for a mainstream superhero book.
I have never read anything by Faerber before but i will be searching things out. Eh really knows how to write teens. The dialect and the humor is spot on in this book. That being said this book isn't all fun and games and Faerber can switch the tone of the book at a moments notice and he does it really well.
The Story here takes a bit character in Faerber's other book, Noble Causes, and expands on him, sort of. You see captain dynamo is dead and he might not have been the nice guy that was originally believed. He was an adulterer and his wife finds out that he has 5 children with 5 other women. She recruits them and activates their powers. Each one of the children have one of the Good Captains powers. We learn this through a amazing plot device that i have not seen that often. One of the kids is kidnapped and through a truth serum he reveals what has happened. The only problem I had with this book (and it is so minute that i am almost ashamed even to mention it) no where in the beginning are there names laid out or their powers. It would have been nice to be able to look at characters and and not have to spend the time at first trying to figure out "Wait who is this and what can they do". I like things laid out for me. You can figure it out but Just give me the thing in the beginning.
I would suggest this book to anyone that wants in on the ground floor of a Superhero universe. You do not need to read Noble Causes to understand this book (hell, I didn't). And here is the kicker that should make everyone that reads this Buy this book. It is only $9.99. If you go through my favorite online TPB retailer In stock Trades (http://www.instocktrades.com/) you can get this for it is only $6.49. For 176 pg (issues 1-7) that is amazing.
Buy it people.
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