Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Haul and why DC Editorial Pisses me off

OK well the day is finally here ( no not the bay silly heads comic day)

Here is what i picked up at my LCS this week:

Goddamn Batman (formally known as All star batman)
Green Lantern Corps
Sensational Spiderman
Criminal Macabre

If you read my last post about how stupid i am then you know that i read countdown already. being a creature of habit though meant that i could not have the Roast beef on a Thursday though (I think the world would end if i did this) i went with the tuna.

Countdown was fucking great. this title keeps getting better and better.

I would use this time to talk about the Virtues of this issue but instead i am going to bitch about this little thing that was in the end feature of the Villains.

The Villain Spotlighted in this weeks issue for the Backup was Deadshot. It was good but when you get to the end and it tells you Key story lines The second item it list is Showcase presents Suicide Squad. FUCK CAN EDITORIAL GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!!!!!!!!!! I mean we all know that this book was taken off the fucking table to be printed sometime in 2008 (yeah right). When the book was supposed to come out they still had it up on the DC website as shipping that week. This pissed me off a little bit but i know that the DC website is quite possible the most out of date website on the net. Hell they actually had Green lantern as Coming out weekly a while ago when it was being delayed only because they had no fucking clue when it was coming out.

But this is a different story. This is in the pages of one of the "flagship" books. The Fucking Spine of the DC universe as they like to call it doesn't even know that DC is not putting this book out. If i wasn't someone who followed shit i would of asked My LCS "Gee Moose (that is the guys nickname) this Deadshot seems like a rollicking good read. They list the Showcase presents Suicide Squad as a good grouping of stories to read. Where can i Find it." I can't believe that they would point readers (and I have to believe that the people reading these things are mostly new readers that do not know of the characters) to a book that does not exist. Why not point me towards the McFarlane Capullo Batman Spawn as well.

Well that is off my chest.

Talk to y'all later.


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