Thursday, October 11, 2007

Revision to last review

Well Fuck me. i just started the next Jetta Trade and I was completely wrong about some of the plot points. This is going to be a very quick post. I either didn't read it right or it was revealed in Rain ( the title of the next trade).

Oh Yeah, I just figured out what it is that i don't like about the artwork. Even though the females are beautiful some of the men look the same. One thing that I didn't mention in the review was Jetta's Love of Daniel (a boy she hit with a motorcycle) and her long lost love Kim. The reason I didn't bring this up is because i couldn't differentiate between the two.

The seconds writing is leaps and bounds better then the first so far. I now even more strongly urge y'all to get these books.

I am debating about piking up the zero issue and the prequel as well.


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