Hi everyone here is what i got from the Local Comic shop (LCS for those in the know) this week
My Haul
Detective Comics
Welcome to Tranquility
Green lantern Corps
Loveless Vol 1 TPB
Ok I read some of these already but they truly need their own post so i am going to do a write up on Comics Podcasting.
I am relatively new to the game (i only started listening last March) but i find myself no longer listening to music on my MP3 player. If you are unaware of what these things are (although i think the only readers of my blog are from a podcasting forum) you should at least check one out. You can do this through Itunes or a whole bunch of other "podcatchers". What they are is basically radio shows covering a topic that you enjoy for as little as 10 minutes to as long as 3 hours (Raging Bullets I'm looking at you).
I am going to simplify things and put these podcast into three groups
The Group podcast is one where it is basically a round table discussion. There are a Couple of these that I listen to: Around Comics, The Dollar Bin, Comic Geek Speak, iFanboy. My Favorite at the moment is CGS mainly because of the guest that they have on and the community that they have formed.
Next is the Couples podcast (I like to call it the buddy Podcast). This is two people bouncing things of each other (with guest sometimes). I listen to: Geek Brunch, I Read Comics, The Comic Book Page, Q!PAW (sorry guys i cannot spell the P part of the acronym). I f you are looking for a fantastic conversation show you should really check it out at Geek Brunch. Heath and Mike are true friends and it comes across in their podcast where they talk about Comics, Movies, and Food.
Lastly (and probably the most hard to do) is the single Voice Podcast. It is just that and I listen to; Comic Book Savant, Comic Book Noise, Marvel Noise and Wordballoon. Please Check out Comic Book Savant. his voice is original, he is not always covering what just came out this week like a lot of other podcast and I have a segment on his show. James is a great guy and you should really check it out.
Well I Realise that it has been a couple of days since a Review so I will most likely get one up a little later today.
Hey TJ, thanks for listening and hopefully we can move up into your favorite spot. We're working on getting some more talented guests involved.
dollar bin is one my favorite just for the shear entertainment of of you guys. Let CGS do their thing and keep your show your way. When i am looking for interviews i listen to them when I want just some pure fanboy moments i listen to you guys. The community that CGS has formed is really why it is tops.
Thanks for the plug TJ, it is really appreciated.
Mike M.
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