This book is written by Geoff Johns and penciled by Gary Frank
Holy shit it has been so long since i did one of these things i forget how to start the fucker.
The art is amazing. Finally someone is given the chance to put his own take on the superman "figure." I have never read anything that was drawn by Gary Frank before but fuck if i am not going to search this guy out now. The lines are so good and the facial expressions are amazing. I truly believe that i would be able to read a wordless story just drawn by Frank because his faces tell that much of the story.
The writing is very good. I am a Johns fan. I am enjoying everything that he is writing. There are some people (Jason in NC) that think that Johns is bringing back the silver age but i believe they are wrong. Johns is bringing back all the old continuity and telling great stories with it. He is not bringing back the campiness but just the old ways the characters act (and in some cases the old characters).
The story is about Kal-El being recruited by the Legion to go into the future where the earth has turning wonky (that is a technical term). The new earth hates everything foreign. The Justice league has spread propaganda that Superman was really Clark Kent and not a Krypton Alien. They have been told that everything the Legion has told them is wrong and they are to hate them because they are "different." Here is also the rub, in the future the yellow sun has been burnt out and has been replaced by a red sun so Superman that has been brought there has no powers. ***************SPOILER*************** The end of this book has Superman going to Brainiac's planet and it looks like all shit is going to go down.
I am not a superman Fan. In fact I avoid most Superman comics as I usually just cannot stand the way the character is written. That being said, I Love this book.
For all you people like me that really do not want to read a boy scout manual every month try this book.
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