OK everyone i have a new TV obsession.
Those that know me know i am a reality TV Junkie. I have switched to a brand new obsession on my TV viewing habits.

Damn have been missing out on these fucking things. I started with the premier of a new show on A&E "Paranormal state". This show follows around the PRS which is a group out of Penn St. The leader of this group is a little weird but he seems on top of his game when it comes to this shit. They get cases and go to peoples houses and conduct what they call "dead time". The frequently enlist the help of other "professionals" such as Medium Chip Coffey and the freaky ass woman that was the demonologist that investigated the Amyttiville horror (i know i am spelling that wrong but i truly do not give a fuck). They also bring in psychologist and counselors for the families as relief for them but also to see if they are the real deal. The thing i really like about this show is the fact that they show them researching the house and the area and give you a little history of the things that went on there that can be causing these activities. The thing that is the negative is that this show and group seem to go into things already with the preconceived notion that the place is "haunted".

The other show that i love is "ghost hunters on Sci Fi network. This show follows and organization called TAPS as they too investigate the paranormal. This group seems a little more sophisticated then the last group with the technology they use. Although they do not go into the history of buildings a land what i do love about this show is the fact that they go into the investigation trying to disprove the paranormal. Grant (one of the founders of the organization) summed it up best when he said that if you go into a place trying to prove it then anything you find can be linked to that but if you go into it trying to disprove then you logically try to put reasons behind some of the occurrences and if you have no explanation then it must be something different.
Paranormal is on A&E on Monday nights and Ghost hunters is on Wednesdays (I think. To tell you the truth when you have a fucking tivo you never really know when the fuck things are on. the magic tivo elves magically deliver my shows to my hard drive .)
Talk to you all later
I tend to think the opposite when it comes to the difference between these two shows. Paranormal state does know that the places are haunted and the group has so many requests that they are only taking the most extreme cases.
The difference is in knowing a place is haunted and proving that a place is haunted. TAPS job is more with showing proof.
I think what solidified the aspect for me, was when TAPS was investigating a haunted house that "claimed" to have a doll that came to life and they literally found nothing. So in their follow up they said their "findings" showed the house was not haunted.
Honestly it was a bit condescending.
The guys from TAPS also wrote a book, but it basically confirms that they really don't know what they are doing and their only interest is capturing something on video.
I find that both shows are very interesting. I just like paranormal state better.
Oh, just an addenum to my previous reply. You might be interesting in the "We" (women's entertainment) channel on their "supernatural" saturday nights.
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