This is written By Paul Dini and the Art is by Dustin Nguyen
The art in this book is OK. I mean it is not going to blow your socks off but who would want that in the fucking winter when it is cold and most of you body heat leaves through your head and feet. i would want to keep my socks on as long as possible. For Christ sake maybe we need to get warmer socks. I live in the North east and it can get pretty fucking cold up here (not for that last few days but hey you know what i mean). So for keeping my socks on i say thank you Dustin. It is times like this in the frigid weather that i thank god for not getting an Alex Ross book or a Kubert book or even a chaykin. I need to stay warm people with my socks firmly in place.
The writing is fantastic. Dini has been very spotty lately. When he first started his Detective run (can i call it that even though this fucker has had so many fill in writers that it makes me sick(seriously i get ill and vomit whenever someone other the Dini is writing it)) everything that he wrote was so spot on that i think i was getting a little spoiled. The somewhere in the middle we would get the occasional good issue followed by pure mediocrity. Well this is not just good and it is not just great but it is Fucking great.
The story is the direct epilogue to the piece of shit that was "The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul". God damn was that a horrible comic experience. And making me buy all those fucking other issues. I never want to read Robin and Nightwing again. Great plan DC lets have a crossover that is supposed to get more people buying other books but lets put some real shitty writers on them. Smart move. Anyway. Ra's is back and has decided set up shop in Gotham. This makes batman None to happy. A fight with ninja;'s ensues and i really don't want to say too much more because it would spoil what was an amazing ending.
If you like good Ra's stories or are a batman fan pick this title up. It will wash the bad taste out your mouth of the Resurrection story line.
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