Well this is my haul this week (if you can call it that)
Amazing spiderman
I was amazed that i only had two issue waiting for me. I would of loved to shop around as these are the weeks that i usually like to buy some trades but thanks to my limited lunch i could only get what was in my box. So not only is my work hurting me but it is now hurting the economy.
Lets look at it like this. If i had a full hour i probably would have picked up two trades that i want. For examples sake that is $40. Now lets say my LCS owner goes to a poker table (he is a bit of a gambler) with that $40 and parlays it to $1000. Now he takes that $1000 and decides to put that in a savings account for his daughter for College. His daughter now takes that money and uses it on a medical degree. With that medical degree she then finds the cure for cancer. My work is in essence stopping the cure for cancer.
(on the other hand what if he loses that $40 to a crackhead at the table who then needs more so he holds up a liquor store. During the hold up he shoots the owner of the store. i guess you can say my work has stopped a murder)
Fuck it it is my blog, My work is Pro Cancer (fitting that i work for a tobacco company).
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