This is written by Dan Slott and the art is by Steve McNiven.
The art has blown me away. McNiven needs to do more work (as long as he can keep a schedule). He really knows how to draw both peter and Spidey. And i don't know if it is because of the last arc but I am loving the lighter tone to the art. Seriously does Joe Q have stock in a black marker company.
The writing was as amazing as the art. The only other Dan Slott book that i have ever read was Arkham Asylam Living Hell and i felt that was just Meh. (I just realized that an expression like meh should never have a exclamation point. I mean who would scream something like that.) Slott mixes in a perfect amount of comedy, action and drama into this comic.
OK The story. Man was a ready to hate this. I really wanted to despise this comic and run screaming to the internets telling people that jumped off of Spiderman that they made the right choice. I really wanted to be done with this comic after my preorders were done. Well ................................ I loved it (did you expect me to say anything else after that many ellipsis.) Thank god i had this preordered because after the mess that was One more day i surely would have told my retailer to stop putting this piece of shit in my box. What you need to do is go into this with a fresh outlook on Spidey. As long as you can forget the past to any certain degree then you should enjoy the Fuck out of this comic. Peter is back to being a lovable loser. he lives with his aunt with no job because he left (or was fired i don't remember) from the Bugle. Spidey has been out of commission for a while and without peter working there the Bugle is in a lot of trouble of folding. Harry is still alive and they explain his disappearance as him living in Europe and running a company over there. They go out clubbing and Peter is mugged as well as the roommate of Harry's super hot girlfriend. Peter cannot change to spidey fast enough and he ends up chasing the mugger into a soup kitchen the Aunt May is volunteering at. I know i am not doing this book any justice but trust me it was fucking amazing.
What i did is basically forgot the bullshit that was OMD and went into this with a complete fresh mind.
That the problem, though, when you say "as long as you can forget the past." A big part of my enjoyment of comics the past 27 years has been the continuity. Taking that away just plain sucks. To ignore the maturing and progress a character has made over time and then reboot them to a previous stage in their if to me is tragic and ham-handed. If this story was in another book like Ultimate or Adventures, or starred a different character; maybe I would have liked it more. Instead, I am disappointed.
but whqat i don't understand is why the marriage isn't syill in continuity but so is the deal that was made. All those tories did happen. BUt doe to a decision (as stupid as they may be) Parked simply doesn't remeber them now and the devil has wiped the slate clean.
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