Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Haul

Hi Everyone. Well after my huge apology and saying that i will be more active on the blog i go away for another three weeks. Truth be told i was on vacation for three weeks to spend time with my daughter. I found out the great thing about babies. they sleep a shitload and that means daddy can play a ton of Video games. I am now addicted to Call of Duty and Halo. Online play is quite amazing and addicting. More on this sleeping thing later first to the comics I bought this week.

I didn't get to go out the the shop last week so this is two weeks worth of shit.

Action Comics 862
All Star Batman 9
Batman 674
Detective Comics 842 (anyone think i will be sick of batman after this week is up)
Countdown 9 &8 (i was so tired when i was reading these that i almost read them out of order Fuck you DC with your backwards numbering)
Green lantern 28
Amazing Spiderman 552
The Boys 16

Well so my wife Was home with Katie for 12 weeks. My child likes to scream a lot and i was very stressed out about watching her. We were following this book called the happiest baby on the block that insisted that we needed to do these things called the 5 S's (Side, Swaddle, Sssh, Shake, Sucker punch oooops i mean Suck). The thing is Katie seemed to hate this but would calm down eventually and fall asleep. We thought it was because these 5 S's were working. So my wife had to put up with this like i said for twelve weeks. Oh have I mentioned that when My child is unhappy there is no crying just all out screaming like we were ripping her arm out by the socket. My wife was stressed and actually happy to get back to work.

No Comes my first day with her. I'm taking acre of her all morning and holding her and feeding her like any good papa would do well fast forward to noon and she is screaming bloody murder at me. I am hungry and decide I'm not putting up with this shit any longer I'm going to put her in the bed screaming and Have a Cigarette and make myself a Tuna Sandwich.

About half way through the Tuna Sandwich i sense something that i haven't sensed all morning. Quiet! Turns out she put herself to sleep. I am happy about this (after checking on her of course to make sure she is OK). She then proceeds to sleep for three hours. i tell my wife and she doesn't believe me. So that night instead of destroying our nerves we put Katie Down without any S's (well that is a lie we still swaddle her.... the moron doesn't realise her arms are at her sides and sometimes she will punch herself in her sleep and wake herself up. I mean c'mon Katie you act like such a baby oh wait!!!) So she resist for a little bit but me and my wife go into the living room and low and behold 5 minutes later the crying stops she is asleep and she actually sleeps for 10 hours through the night. It has been like this ever since.

So I am a happy father and Life was fantastic during those three weeks.

Talk to you all later in the day probably


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