Monday, January 7, 2008

Just a rant about work.

Well i was informed today that the execs in my office have decided to cut my lunch in half. For someone that has been trying to decide whether or not it is worth it for me to work after my wife goes back they are making my decision a lot easier.

Not that anyone cares about this but this is my blog so, what the fuck, i will get things off my fucking chest when i need to so i don't go postal on this motherfucker.

The only people to get 1/2 hour lunches in this jerk off of a job are the simple order takers and Customer service people. When I got my promotion a year ago i was given the hour lunch which was perfect. I was informed that since am still employed by the "order taker" department I should only get what they get. Never mind the fact that they are only talking to run of the mill assholes over the phone and the guys i talk to routinely spend $1mil + in orders or are from Europe and i have to broker the logistics of getting things shipped to them directly from Nicaragua or the dirty dirty DR.

I just took my half hour lunch and being that i didn't bring a lunch today i was left with the quandary "What can i get in a half a fucking hour"

Well here is the List of things i cannot do:

- go to Starbucks and get a coffee so i can stay awake in this boring motherfucker

- get McDonald's drive through without trying to eat it in the car and nearly kill all the other lemmings that are trying to get back to work on time.

- On Wednesday, go to the comic shop and get lunch (wonder what my decision will be there)

- get my wife's paycheck for her while she is out on Maternity leave because her work refuses to get into the 20th (yes i said 20th) century and use Direct Deposit.

- Go to the local diner and enjoy a greasy burger while i read my new trades

- Read more then one comic and wind down from a half day of dealing with assholes.

Well in protest i will be doing nothing today unless absolutely necessary. I am going to in essence be taking a 8 hour lunch and the worst they can fucking do is fire my motherfucking ass. that too would make my decision of staying home with my beautiful daughter that much easier.

Fuck everyone in the place especially the penny pincher assholes that are in the exec offices.

Oh and here is the clincher of the fucking thing. My direct boss is the owner of the place. i am sure that they didn't even go through him about this and most likely if i did it would be changed but then i will look like i am going over peoples heads and going right to him. Fuck why do i have any integrity at all.

Talk to you later


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