Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Haul

OK This week was a relatively light week

Amazing spiderman

Since it was light and my LCS was painfully slow (sometime i really feel bad for the guy because he is that nice of a guy) I picked up Justice league A New Beginning.

This is the trade that collect the first seven issues of the Giffen DeMatteis (bwahaha era) Justice league. This trade was 12.95. DC has decided to put this in Hardcover format for release later this year for the fantastic price of 24.95. Come on people are you that hard up for a fucking hardcover. Seriously, Double the price for a new dust jacket. What kind of asshole does DC think we are.

Oh well i will get back to my nothing day of work while i think about all the trouble i will have with my iPod later tonight.


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