Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Brave and the Bold #8

Today's review is Brave and the bold #8

This book is written by Mark Waid and Pencilled by George Perez

The art is amazing. it has that really clean George Perez style that we all love (or should love dammit). Very clean lines, very defined, not scratchy at all.

The writing is pretty good. Even though all of these stories do have a connecting arc they are all basically one and dones. In that vain it is written very well; meaning it does have a beginning middle and end. I usually like these types of stories as a change of pace from the long story arc's that we are now used to. Does anyone remember a time when the long arcs was an event and everything used to be this type of story.

Now to the story. I was not going to get this book any more because i am trimming my budget and unfortunately i am stuck in so many over reaching arcs that the one and done is the easiest thing to chop of the list. I go into my friendly LCS on that Wednesday with list in hand and notice that the title is a Flash story. Fuck i say to myself (quite loudly to the owners dismay), i really would like to read this. So 2.99 later i am the proud owner of this comic. Here were my hopes when i bought this: 1) a good one and done flash story 2) learn a little bit about the doom patrol because i have never read anything by them before 3)since it is sort of out of continuity i would be free of the baggage that is going on in the current Flash title. Well I truly didn't get any of these (except number one kind of). Let me start at the end; We have all of the baggage of the current flash run the Fucking retard twins are in this god damn book more then the Doom Patrol. This wasn't really about the flash or the doom patrol at all but about the Fucking kids. I hate these kids. i don't know if Waid is trying to get us to feel for the kids like we did for impulse but I don't think it is working and the death of these two would only make the reader happy. Please Mark. lets leave the kids at home and give us the FUCKING WALLY STORIES WE WANT. Sorry got a little angry there. i think i have touched on all three points by just going over the last one 1) more of a one and done Flash Kids story (minus) 2) Doom patrol just used a plot device to try to find out about the kids (minus there) 3) It seemed to fit right into the continuity of the current Flash Title (minus there).

Oh well i think i can now safely drop this book. What's that they say at the end; hawkman is going to be in the next issue. Well maybe i will give one more a shot.

Talk to you all later.


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