Friday, April 25, 2008

Batman 675

Today's Review is Batman 675

I really feel like being lazy so you can forget me going and finding the cover art, saving the shit and then posting it here.

This is written by Grant Morrison and the (ahem) art is by Ryan Benjamin.

Holy shit is the Art fucking bad. Bruce Wayne looks like he should be in an old persons home. I truly believe that this motherfucker got bored drawing for the night and decided to play tic tac toe with whoever he lives with. They must not of had paper so he decided to use the latest batman pages he was working on. Forgot to erase the lines from the game before he sent them to the inker and that is who they got in the book. Or maybe he is just that fucking bad. Either way thank god Tony Daniel is back next issue.

The writing is great and really saved the fuck out of this issue. i mean it is Grant Fucking Morrison. You either love him or are Nancy Reagan. ("Just say No" god i stretch for jokes sometimes and i bet they aren't even funny to most people.) I think my buddy Kevin Summed up Morrison in a recent call we had. When asked if he liked the issue he said "It was great." I asked if he like the writing and he said "I never understand Morrison but i know i like it." Again i am paraphrasing because i fucking feel like it (you gotta problem with that the next blog button is right on top of the page.) (I don't really mean that but i feel Feisty today.)

In the issue Bruce is out to dinner with his love interest. a Fucking Great Villain that has Eyes in all his Fingers comes in and decides to Fuck shit up. Bruce lets his batman persona come through even without the cape and cowl. His new love interest realises what we all know. Also some shit goes down with Talia and Damian as well as with robin and Nightwing.

Next up Batman RIP and if lying in the gutters is correct (which is almost never) then we are in for a helluva ride.

Just had a little revelation and will post on that later.

Talk to y'all later,


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