Monday, October 8, 2007

Loveless TPB Vol 1

Todays Trade review is Loveless Vol 1 TPB

This Book is written by Brian Azzarelo and penciled by Marcelo Frusin

The art in this book is great. It is a little more defined then a lot of things that I read from vertigo. I have never seen this artist before but i will be searching out anything else he does to see if it very similar. The other thing that I will add with this art section is the Layouts. This book has such a creative way of telling flashback. basically in the same panel in one color will be the current action and in a different almost sepia tone will be the flashback that also happened at this same locale. If you are not fully aware when you are reading this you most likely will not like this book.

The writing is very good. I am a fan of Azzarelo but i know that if you do not start from the beginning sometimes you will be lost (100 bullets I'm looking at you). He is a big fan of Fuckupedness. I read one ark in 100 bullets and knew immediately that i really enjoy this guys writing but was completely lost. i am so happy I was able to jump on here from the beginning and not have to worry about picking up 9 more trades to get completely caught up.

The story is about a a civil war veteran that was presumed dead. He returns to his house to find it occupied by Union soldiers and he promptly takes it back. He has a partner with him that we find out is a woman. we also find out that this man is a master of the cunnilinguistic skills (use your fingers and hum boys). There are a lot of revels and other things that if i go any further i will spoil and i really want you all to experience this book first hand.

Thank you james for getting me to by this book but Fuck you from the bottom of my wallet for getting me on another series.

Talk to you all later.


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