Monday, September 10, 2007

Are we ready for some Football

Well the change from my recent trend of just comic reviews, today i am going to write about another love of my life, the NFL.

Yesterday was the first full day of Sunday of football and my wife never hated sports more.

I've had Direct TV for 5 years yet this is the first year that I have subscribed to the Sunday ticket. People should really check my seat after yesterday because one there has to be an indentation of my ass after sitting there from 11:30 to 11:30 (yes people i was on my ass for 12 hours) and they should probably dry it off because that was how happy I was.

The Sunday ticket is the greatest invention ever. Much more important then Sliced bread (as I think most things are. Who the fuck came up with that stupid saying.) I was watching my Steelers game, in commercials I was watching the mix channel that had 8 games on at once and would tell me when teams would enter the red zone. I would then switch to that teams games just to watch that action.

Another great thing about football is Fantasy which i am heavily involved in. Sunday Ticket realises this and made a feature where you can put your team in and whenever someone does something a box pops up and lets you know no matter what game you are watching.

Holy Shit I cannot wipe this stupid smile off my face. Simply amazing.

So if the Question is Are you ready for some Football? The answer is Most Definitely Yes! Yes I Am!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got sunday ticket the year before the kids were born (the last time I had direct tv), and I gotta say that i echo your sentiments 100%. We haven't had direct tv since then so I haven't been able to enjoy that again, but there really is nothing better for an NFL fan. At some point I'd love to be able to get it and the college football package. The problem there is that I might get more than one dirty look from the wife if I were to do that. Good luck with your fantasy teams, I'm certainly enjoying playing again this year.