Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Haul

Ok so today I faced a conundrum. I called into work sick today mainly because I had shit i needed to do for My wife's birthday which I will not be home for because I am going to CGS 300. My problem came when i realised that i didn't want to wait for my comics but the shop is right next to my work. What to do, what to do? well of course I got my comics what do you think i am a casual fan. For Christ sake i spend my free time writing reviews of the comics i read without ever know if anyone is actually reading. This is what i do for fun.

Anyway this is what I got today:
Tales of the Sinestro Core Parallax
Countdown to mystery
Criminal Macabre

Another funny story. I was in walmart early this morning because nothing else is open at 8 in the morning. I saw a Printer that I have wanted for a while (Hp 5140). This printer is priced in other stores at 199 and I just haven't had the extra funds to get it (i do have a baby on the way). I had them price check it and they told me 100 so I was skipping (it is ok for a straight man to skip right) up the cashier to buy my new printer. I got it home and it was not the printer I wanted in the box but the exact same printer that I have at home which is a much cheaper HP. Someone scammed Wal Mart and bought the higher priced printer and replaced it with their old crappy printer and returned that for the money back. Normally I would say ingenious but this was happening to me so i was very pissed. I had to drive all the way back to walmart and try to get my money back and convince them that I wasn't the one trying to scam them. I found myself getting more and more pissed off in the car as I fully expected them to say no to a refund. I get up there ready for a fight but the girl calls the manager he gives the OK and I am out of there in less then 20 minutes with my money back. Wow I have never experienced such customer service before in a walmart.

It sucks that I couldn't get my printer at that price but I am very happy to have the money back.

See you later for some reviews



Anonymous said...

Your Wal-Mart story both fascinates and scares the poop out of me.

TJ Tunnington said...

Yeah I am suprised at how well they handled it.